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Gericke Farm, Pioneer of Organic Produce
2876 Arthur Kill Road (between Bloomingdale and Sharrotts Roads), Rossville, S.I.
A farm since the late 1700s, and an organic farm from the 1940s, Gericke...
Amboy Rd at Yetman Ave, Tottenville, 1968
Kids from Our Lady Help of Christians and P.S. 1 getting out of school...
Amboy Road, Annadale, 1924
P.L. Sperr photo of children playing in a lot off of Amboy Road between Barclay and Arden Aves, Spring 1924.
Hi Diddle Dee, Port Richmond
1970: Hi Diddle Dee Farms / Deli -- Jewett Ave at corner of Post Ave, Port Richmond.
Church of the Holy Comforter, Eltingville
The Church of the Holy Comforter was located at Richmond Ave in Eltingville, where the YMCA is now. It was commissioned by farmers in...